For the past few years I’ve watched this subject move rapidly forward while trying to determine exactly where they’re going with. This article feels like confirmation of my hypothesis.
The existence of extraterrestrials and the possibility that they’ve been visiting Earth is rapidly nearing a point of undeniability. Fortunately there’s enough nonsense and BS tossed into the mix by people looking for fame, fun, and possibly with intent to make it easy for some to dismiss it, that they haven’t had to worry about it becoming a reality.
The goal of preventing mass hysteria however, remains unchanged. As it the ability to deny it becomes more difficult, it’s clear that a new paradigm is in order. From what I can tell, it seems that the plan is to gradually confirm the existence of unmanned probes that aren’t from Earth. This will allow them to say “We’re not alone in the universe, but the owners of these flying robotic spheres haven’t been seen in over 100 years which means that the creators are long-gone or extinct.”
At the same time they’re shifting the focus away from the reports of actual ETs. Once they get to making such a statement they’ll be able to add that their investigations were thorough, “this is what we’ve found, and it’s all there is.” They’ll probably even go as far as saying it’s a “full disclosure” and release long held secrets that are thoroughly vetted and solidify the statement’s validity without revealing anything about actual alien visitors. So I expect something like “For the past 80 years we have kept it secret to prevent mass hysteria because until recently we lacked the technology to determine anything with certainty. That has changed and new technologies have allowed is to investigate this more closely and we’re now confident in our analysis that there are no aliens, just remnants of technology leftover from long-gone aliens. Since we were able to determine this with certainty, we’ve decided to release the information to the public.”
Any claims that fall outside this unmanned probe information release will then be considered nonsense. I’m sure they’ve done enough studies that show that those in denial will continue to deny it as a cover for something the government is doing. Those who suspect but aren’t adamant about it either way will accept it and move on, and those who make claims of actually seeing alien beings will remain on the fringes.
And life will go on.
It will be interesting to revisit this post 10 years from now and see if I was right about it. 🙂